Commercial Property Insurance San Diego


H&M insurance is a premium commercial insurance carrier in San Diego. We work with major insurance providers and each insurance plan is made according to your business needs. Our agent will provide the highest possible protection for your business property and the inventory in it. H&M agency is known to guard client’s interests while covering the risks and preventing major financial losses. Purchasing commercial property insurance with H&M agency is beneficial for small, midsized, and large businesses. We will help you protect the physical assets such as equipment, tools, inventory, furniture, computers, and the building itself from inside and outside factors.


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Commercial property insurance protects your business and help to pay the repair or replacement of lost, stolen, or damaged business property. This insurance covers the whole property where your business is located and everything on it and inside the building like inventory, equipment, and other assets. A fire can start or pipe can burst and damage the inventory or even flood the whole building. There are many situations where you can suffer great financial losses if you’re renting or owning the property. In case you are renting, the property owner will for sure ask you to carry this coverage.

What Does Commercial Property Insurance Cover?

This type of insurance is vital for any business owner who is renting or owning the property where the operation is conducted. Commercial property insurance basically covers the real estate of your business and its contents. It will help you cover and afford repairs and replacement of assets in case of an unexpected event.

Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment, and Inventory – Business Personal Property Coverage

No matter the business type, every office or factory has installations and furniture inside the premises. Commercial property insurance would protect your fixtures, machinery, signage, inventory, and the equipment that is permanently installed. If your business supplies, equipment, or inventory was stolen, lost or damaged, the commercial property insurance would cover the repair and replacement of it.


Commercial property insurance is a must whether you lease the building or own one. It will help you cover the costs of repairing damages to the structure of your property. Damage caused by flood or earthquake is usually purchased separately; most commercial property insurances exclude them. Building insurance covers:

  • Frozen or burst pipes
  • Theft and vandalism
  • Fire, storms, and explosions
  • Subsidence
  • Aircraft or vehicle crash

On the following links you can read more information about fire, flood and earthquake insurance.

What Does Commercial Property Insurance Not Cover?

There are some risks or property types that commercial property insurance won’t cover. In the following situation your business may need additional coverage:

Customer’s Property

In case the property belonging to the customer visiting your premises gets damaged, broken, or stolen, you may be responsible for it. The customer can sue you and you have to cover the legal costs. In this case general liability insurance would be a great addition to your commercial property insurance.

Goods in Transfer and Mobile Equipment

The commercial property insurance won’t cover the goods transported or the equipment moving to a different worksite. Contact us, and we will provide additional insurance for goods and possessions moving from place to place to get you fully covered.

Theft by Employees

Commercial property insurance doesn’t cover the costs in case of dishonest employees. Again, in case someone from the inside steals items, equipment, supplies, or many from other employees, you’ll need extra coverage.

Malfunctioning Equipment

In case of a mechanical or electrical failure, commercial property insurance won’t cover it. No matter the fact that it happened inside the building of your business where the machinery is installed, you’ll need to purchase extra coverage.

Which Business Types Need Commercial Property Insurance?

Bear in mind that if you rent the building, the landlord will most likely ask for proof of your insurance. Landlords most certainly carry the insurance for their properties, but they won’t take the responsibility for costs that happened while you conducted your business. So, which professions need commercial property insurance?

IT and technology

This industry is one of the most expensive in equipment and data on their computers. The policy will help the company replace stolen or damaged PCs, laptops, monitors, etc.


They also carry expensive machinery and equipment from one worksite to the other. They can rely on commercial property insurance for some coverages but must combine it with additional ones.

Real estate

Commercial landlords, property managers and other real estate professionals for sure need insurance which protects the building and all its content.

Manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers

For example, a pipe or fire bursts in a grocery store and all the food and other goods are gone – commercial property insurance will help recover all the goods and food which had to be thrown away.

property commercial insurance in san diego

How Much Does It Cost to Purchase Commercial Property Insurance?

One-size-fits-all doesn’t apply when purchasing commercial property insurance because it depends on many factors.

The cost of your insurance will mainly depend on the level of protection, business details and types. It also depends on the value of your assets and the building. Some situational factors and key elements are:

  • Construction – Do you own fireproof materials? Is wiring, plumbing and HVAC upgraded?
  • Occupancy – What type of industry is your business in? Restaurants and repair shops may carry a bigger risk than some small local rental offices.
  • Location – If your business is near the water or wildfire area, its protection will be more expensive.
  • Protection – Do you have a smart security system, fire and smoke detectors, or sprinkler system?

H&M – Best Commercial Property Insurance Coverage in San Diego

Our agency has more than 5 decades of California market experience, and we are an independent, family-owned business. Our success is based on a client-centered type of conducting business since our policies are custom-made for specific business purposes. H&M agency works and collaborates with all the leading insurance providers such as Safeco, Nationwide, Markel, First Comp, etc. Our business and policy designs are based mainly on managing the risks and preventing costly damages your property may face. Contact us at (619) 296-0005 or request a quote here on our website.