We are San Diego Property Insurance Experts


Contact Independent San Diego Homeowners Insurance Agency


Property insurance is a series of policies that provide property protection or liability coverage for property owners. It provides a financial reimbursement in the case of damage or theft and to a person other than the property owner if that person is injured on the property. It doesn’t matter if you own a home or you are still paying for it through mortgage financing; property insurance is essential for protecting yourself and your family from great financial loss.


When you take into account all the expenses that come with owning a home, it is understandable that you want to protect it in every way you can. With our unique homeowner’s insurance, you can be sure that you will have great coverage if something happens to your belongings or home due to natural disasters or theft.



(619) 296-0005

Property and casualty insurance will help you restore your life back to normal if the unexpected happens. It is recommended to anyone who owns a home or condo. Your mortgage lender even requires it. Some landlords may require their tenants to have a renter’s insurance coverage. But whether it is required or not, it is always smart to have this kind of protection.

Types of Property Insurance We Provide

If your home is damaged, the right type of personal property insurance can help you protect your home from the unexpected. Although not required by law, it is usually necessary if you have a mortgage or home loan. H&M independent insurance agency will help you find the coverage that fits your home and your lifestyle. We offer the perfect balance of robust coverage and affordable prices for:

rental insurance


After signing a lease on an apartment in San Diego, you may be asked for proof of renters insurance. It will protect your belongings, your visitors and provide additional living expenses coverage. More Info.

earthquake insurance


Potentially catastrophic earthquakes are not rare in California. Having earthquake insurance will compensate the damages to your home, personal property and help you pay for alternative living arrangements. More Info.

fire insurance


Coverage options include dwelling fire insurance, coverage for other structures, belongings coverage, loss of use, and wildfire coverage. Insure your home from grease, candle, and electrical fires. More Info

condo insurance


Outside of the condos is insured by the Homeowners Association master policy. With condo insurance, all your valuable possessions inside the condo are protected. More Info


It provides coverage for a private residence and usually covers the items like furniture, clothing, appliances, and more. Suppose your home is damaged or someone gets injured on your property. In that case, it can cover the costs of repairs, replacements, legal fees, temporary housing, and many more.


If you own a condo unit and rent it, you should consider rental property insurance. It will provide financial coverage in cases of damages or injuries related to a rental property. Property owners should consider landlord insurance if they are responsible for the entire building, including the roof and the exterior.


It includes any assets other than real estate – furniture, appliances, and electronics. They are considered tangible, while the intangible personal property can be stocks, bonds, and bank accounts. Under a homeowners policy, this coverage falls between 50% to 70% of a dwelling’s value.


Whether you live in your mobile home seasonally or year-round, insuring your mobile home does not have to be complicated. This policy offers coverage for the structures of your home, protects your personal assets, and offers personal liability protection.


It refers to coverage under a homeowners, condominium owner’s, or renter’s insurance policy that covers the additional living expenses if you are temporarily displaced from your place of residence. It covers the expenses of food and the cost of staying at a hotel until your dwelling is inhabitable. ALE is usually included in most homeowners or renter’s insurance policies.


If you live in an area at high risk of severe types of water damage like heavy rain, severe coastal storms, and melting snow, then flood insurance is the right coverage for you. With the City of San Diego being at moderate risk of flooding, it is usually required by the mortgage lenders to have it.


It provides an extra layer of coverage if your home is more valuable than average assets or you have particular liability concerns. It is an excellent way for anyone to increase liability protection and have peace of mind if they have significant assets.


Covers the expensive personal property that is easily moveable, like jewelry, furs, expensive stereo equipment, fine art, watch, and more. This add-on to your main policy usually covers one individual item, so if you have several expensive items, you will need to get a floater for each.


In most cases, a standard property insurance policy will not cover the cost of fixing or replacing the broken boiler. You can have peace of mind that if your boiler does break down, most of the boiler cover policies will pay for boiler repairs (labor and spare parts), as well as annual boiler service.

Why Choose H&M Insurance Agency?

You may ask yourself how to reduce property insurance premiums. It is possible at H&M insurance agency. We offer a discount if you have a monitored alarm system, deadbolts on your doors, smoke detectors in your house or other security systems.

  • Protecting your home also creates better conditions for a lower monthly premium rate.
  • Insurance does not have to be expensive, and getting the best rates is not hard.
  • If you bundle your policies, you may save even more for larger discounts.
  • We are a family-owned company that reduces costs, minimizes risks, and delivers quality coverage based on your insurance needs.

Get an online quote or call us at (619) 296-0005 and get all info regarding your insurance requirements.

What are the Benefits of Having Property Insurance

Good home insurance will protect you against most property risks, such as fire, theft, and some weather damage.

Protection of Your Main Dwelling

The part of your home where you actually live is the most important part. You should ideally insure your home at 100% of its value; however, the standard is usually 80% to 90% of its value. You will get comprehensive coverage both of the structure and the content of your property. You can go through the rebuilding process quickly, move on, and get back to your normal daily life.

Protection of Your Home’s Contents

Your appliances like furniture, electronics, and other personal property that you have inside your home need to be included in your policy. You can, in case of a covered peril, can be reimbursed in part or whole (depending on your policy’s specific stipulations).

Protection of the Detached Structures

Another important thing of the insurance on the property is the coverage for your detached structures, including fences, sheds, garage, dog house, and many others. Detached structures are usually covered at up to 10% of the coverage limit for your main dwelling. However, you can always customize your policy if you want some other type of additional coverage for detached structures on your property.

Liability Coverage

One of the main reasons for having residential coverage is liability coverage. If someone gets injured on your property, decides to sue, and you are found liable, it could cost tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. Condo insurance is designed to protect you from expensive lawsuits and medical bills that could arise during a visit to your property.

Home Insurance Coverage

For something to be covered, it must be ‘sudden and accidental,’ which means that it was not, for example, a slow leak that caused damage over many months. The perils that are typically covered include:

  • Explosion
  • Smoke
  • Lightning
  • Fire
  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Windstorm
  • Hail
  • Weight of ice, snow or sleet
  • Riot or civil commotion
  • Falling objects
  • Damages caused by vehicles or aircraft.

The perils that are typically not covered include:

  • Flood damage (purchased as a separate policy)
  • Earthquake damage (also is a separate policy)
  • Mold infestation
  • Pest infestation
  • Damages of property due to wear and tear
  • Destruction of property willfully
  • Sewer backup.

Homeowner’s Policy Covering Situations

This policy provides a comprehensive package of residential and personal property protection for today’s home owners, covering situations such as:

  • Fire
  • Windstorm
  • Crimes, including theft and vandalism
  • Accidental major leaks or overflow of water
  • Personal liability
  • Loss of personal property
  • Loss of use

Dwelling Fire Policy (Tenant Occupied) Coverages

This type of insurance protects a home against the perils specifically named in the policy. It is designed to offer protection for tenant-occupied one-to-four family residential buildings. This policy provides damage protection from:

  • Fire, including smoke damage
  • Windstorms, including hail
  • Personal liability coverage for injuries to guests or others visiting the customers’ property
  • The fair rental value of income property if the customer cannot rent pending covered loss repairs and much more.

Levels of Coverage

Several forms of homeowners insurance offer various levels of protection, depending on the type of residence being covered and the homeowner’s needs. There are four levels of coverage:

  • Actual cash value – it covers the cost of the house and the cost of your belongings after deducting depreciation (or how much your items are currently worth, not how much you paid them). It is the basic and lowest possible coverage.
  • Replacement cost – replacement value policies cover the amount it would take to rebuild your home if destroyed or damaged. It is calculated based on the factors like the square footage of your home, number of bathrooms, and local building cost per square foot. It serves to help you repair or rebuild your home up to its original value.
  • Extended replacement cost – it is an expansion of the replacement cost and helps you cover extra rebuilding costs that are outside of your control will pay over the coverage limit if the prices for construction have increased and serves to pay over the coverage limit if the costs for construction have increased; it will usually not exceed 25% of the limit. It usually includes purchasing the needed supplies, appliances, and even labor costs.
  • Guaranteed replacement value – it will pay the full cost to replace or repair the home after the covered peril even if that amount exceeds the policy limits. This coverage is designed to give you peace of mind so that you can rebuild your house without dipping into your own money.

Look No Further, Call H&M Insurance Agency!

If you are looking for home insurance for rental property or your home, you are at the right place. Regarding property insurance cost, H&M insurance agency will provide our clients with the most affordable rates and flexible payment options. We have more than 50 years of experience in the California market. Call us at (619) 296-0005 and get all the info about home insurance costs for your home.


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